PROCEDURE Hold in the position for at least one minute focus your mind towards Dhuruva star. BENEFITS
PROCEDURE Hold in the position for at least one minute focus your mind towards Dhuruva star. BENEFITS
PROCEDURE In this position, exhale and bend forward so that your forehead touches the ground Sitting in padma asana, fold your palms together comfortably behind your back Stay in the position for few seconds inhale and raise your head once more and sit erect If you are not able to touch the ground with your
Procedure Benefits of Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama
nadi shudhi pranayama Read More »
procedure Cross your legs over the left and right thighs Both knee joints should touch the floor. Sit upright without slouching, straightening the back bone. Both hands should be in chin mudra (Thumb and the fore finger should touch). If crossing both legs is difficult, put one leg on the opposite thigh and practice. It
Utkatasana, commonly known as Chair Pose, is a powerful standing yoga posture that strengthens the lower body, tones the core, and enhances stability and balance. Derived from the Sanskrit words utkata, meaning “fierce” or “powerful,” and asana, meaning “pose,” Utkatasana involves sitting back as though in an imaginary chair. This posture engages the thighs, calves,