

Yoga for Cultivating Presence


Yoga for Cultivating Presence focuses on the practice of mindfulness through yoga to stay fully engaged in the moment. By bringing awareness to breath, body, and mind during each asana (pose), practitioners learn to cultivate a deep sense of presence both on and off the mat.

Gnanaguru Thabovan, Thottipalayam Rs Road, Muthampalayam,Chennimalai Road, Erode, Tamilnadu.




Through dhyana yoga, the restless mind finds peace, and the heart awakens to infinite bliss


Practice Session Time

6 PM - 8 PM
7 AM - 9:30 AM

After completing Dhyana Yoga, participants are provided with Annadhanam(Food).

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"Ground Your Mind, Cultivate Your Presence."

Ground Your Mind, Cultivate Your Presence.” is a powerful slogan that emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in yoga.It encourages practitioners to focus on grounding their thoughts and energy in the present moment, fostering a deeper connection with themselves and their surroundings.