surya namaskara


  1. Pranam asana stand upright and relaxed with hands (breathe normal).
  2. Hastha uthana asana: Bend head and body back with arms raised.
  3. Pada hasta asana: Bend forward, palms on the floor knees should be locked.
  4. Ashwa sanchala Right leg forward between hands. left leg should be at the back.
  5. Parvat asana Press palms on the floor, raise hip at angle with floor.
  6. Nirakunja asana: Drop knees, chest and chin to floor.
  7. Bhunjang asana: Lift the head up and bend all the way back.
  8. Parvat asana: Place hands and heels on floor and raise the hips.
  9. Ashwa sanchala: Bring left leg forward, placing hands firmly on floor. Right leg should be at the back.
  10. Pada hasta asana Bend forward,palms on the floor knees should be locked..
  11. Hastha uthana asana: Bend head and body back with arms raised.
  12. pranam asana: Stand in peace with your hands in prayer position.

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