- Pranam asana stand upright and relaxed with hands (breathe normal).
- Hastha uthana asana: Bend head and body back with arms raised.
- Pada hasta asana: Bend forward, palms on the floor knees should be locked.
- Ashwa sanchala Right leg forward between hands. left leg should be at the back.
- Parvat asana Press palms on the floor, raise hip at angle with floor.
- Nirakunja asana: Drop knees, chest and chin to floor.
- Bhunjang asana: Lift the head up and bend all the way back.
- Parvat asana: Place hands and heels on floor and raise the hips.
- Ashwa sanchala: Bring left leg forward, placing hands firmly on floor. Right leg should be at the back.
- Pada hasta asana Bend forward,palms on the floor knees should be locked..
- Hastha uthana asana: Bend head and body back with arms raised.
- pranam asana: Stand in peace with your hands in prayer position.